Conveyancing for Refinancing
Your Home Loan
It is not uncommon to obtain independent legal advice in relation to the mortgage documents when you refinance your existing home loan. Boyd Conveyancing Services is able to assist you in this regard.
We find that often clients would prefer to have Boyd Conveyancing Services liaise with their lender on their behalf so that they are not left chasing their financial institutions to finalise the matter.
When refinancing you need to have your loan approved with your new lender and then organise your existing financial institution to discharge your current loan.
Most financial institutions will require 14 days to discharge your loan after receiving a formal discharge request. Boyd Conveyancing Services can assist to organise this on your behalf to make sure there’s no delay in loan settlement.
During this period you should ensure that you have received your loan offer and mortgage documents from your new lender and these must be signed and returned to the bank promptly. Most institutions will take about three weeks for this process to be finalised.
Your existing lender will provide a payout figure, and a date for your new lender to payout your existing loan will be organised. Boyd Conveyancing Services will look after all of this for you.
See our NSW Conveyancing Fee Schedule for our estimated fees and charges.
If you have any enquiries regarding any of these services please contact Boyd Conveyancing Services.
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